Σύνδεσμοι GIS
www.eurogi.org – European umbrella organisation for Geographic Information
www.isprs.org – International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing
www.ec-gis.org –
The EC GI & GIS portal provides information on European GI &
GIS Activities including information on GI & GIS Activities within
the European Commission
www.gsdi.org –
Global Spatial Data Infrastructure Association. The GSDI Association is
an inclusive organization of organizations, agencies, firms, and
individuals from around the world
www.opengis.org –
The Open Geospatial Consortium, Inc.® (OGC) is a non-profit,
international, voluntary consensus standards organization that is
leading the development of standards for geospatial and location based
www.ncgia.ucsb.edu – National Center for Geographic Information and Analysis USA
www.freegis.org –
Software overview on Free Geographic Information Systems and
communication on developments, plans, infos on Free GIS Software and
Free Geo-Data
www.geocomm.com –
The GeoCommunity™ is THE place for the Geographic Information Systems
(GIS), CAD, Mapping, and Location-Based industry professionals,
enthusiasts, and students to gather
www.agi.org.uk – Association for Geographic Information UK
www.gis.com – The Guide of Geographic Information Systems
www.geoplace.com – The authoritative resource of spatial matters
http://gislounge.com – Geographic Information Systems – GIS of Interest
www.gisdevelopment.net – The Geospatial Resource Portal
www.itc.nl – International Institute for Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation, NL
www.lib.utexas.edu/maps/ – Perry-Castañeda Library Map Collection, University of Texas, USA
www.geo.ed.ac.uk/agidict/welcome.html –
Welcome to the GIS Dictionary. … The dictionary includes definitions
for 980 terms compiled from a variety of sources which either relate
directly to GIS or which GIS users may come across in the course of
their work
www.gis.harvard.edu –
The Center for Geographic Analysis at Harvard University was founded in
2006. As a technology platform in the Institute for Quantitative Social
Science, the Center focuses on research and education in the field of
spatial analysis and geographic information. The Center works across the
university to strengthen geographic information systems infrastructure
and services
http://gisweb.ciat.cgiar.org/sig/90m_data_tropics.htm –
CIAT, Partners in Research Cultivating the future. International center
for Tropical Agriculture. 90 m SRTM Data for the tropics. An integral
part of the Land Use Projects work involves the use of high-resolution
biophysical data about the land surface. Central to this is topographic
data, which controls many environmental processes from climate to
biology and to soils
http://www.afigeo.asso.fr/ Association Française pour l’Information Géographique
http://www.agile-online.org AGILE (Association of Geographic Information Science Laboratories)
Free Tools
ArcExplorer – ESRI’s FREE geographic viewer
CartoMap – FREE Viewer supports both MapInfo Mif/Mid and ArcView Shape files
ChartViewer – NOAA Nautical Chart Viewing Extension for ArcView 3.x
Geomatica® 9 FreeView –
Geomatica® 9 FreeView is a flexible data viewing tool supporting over
100 raster and vector formats for loading, viewing, selection, and
enhancement. FreeView is useful for any geospatial data viewing
application, and is freely distributable
MassGIS Data Viewer – Expands the functionaly of ArcView
ShapeViz – mechanism to view multiple Shape files
TatukGIS Free Viewer –
The free TatukGIS Viewer provides an easy way to quickly evaluate the
TatukGIS technology and compatibility with various formats, as well as a
great companion product for the TatukGIS Internet Server. Reads the
following formats: Raster – TIFF/GEOTIFF, ECW, MrSID, BMP, SPOT, JPEG,
WebView – The Internet Extension for ArcView GIS – Present your maps on the Web or on CD ROM
Agis –
A simple mapping and shareware package supporting a variety of data
formats including Mapinfo MIF, E00, Arc gen, and a variety of others.
Runs on Win 95, 98, NT
Autodesk DWF Viewer – FREE viewer for DWF files
CADViewer –
CadViewer is the Java-based viewer for AutoCAD Drawing Web Format (DWF,
also known as Whip!) and Mosaic Simple Vector Format (SVF, used by
MicroStation). Supports HPGL/HPGL2, DWG/DXF, PS/PDF, DGN, DWF, SVF, DLG,
CartoMap Viewer – FREE Viewer supports both MapInfo Mif/Mid and ArcView Shape files
ChartViewer – NOAA Nautical Chart Viewing Extension for ArcView 3.x
DLGVU – dlgvu is an interactive viewer for Unix
DLGv32 Pro – Free Viewer from the USGS, supporting many data formats
GRASS – Popular free raster-based GIS
Geomatica® 9 FreeView –
Geomatica® 9 FreeView is a flexible data viewing tool supporting over
100 raster and vector formats for loading, viewing, selection, and
enhancement. FreeView is useful for any geospatial data viewing
application, and is freely distributable
GeoTiff Examiner – allows raster images in the TIFF format to be georeferenced in two different manners
GeoView –
GeoView is an intelligent mapping component for Windows developers who
need to quickly embed sophisticated map viewing with spatial overlays in
their applications
GeoView LT –
add support for the display of AutoCAD DWG/DXF, Microstation DGN, ESRI
Shape, MapInfo MIF, and image files, with graphic overlays, spatial
queries, and links to your database quickly
Geographic Explorer – explore map files directly on your desktop with the Geographic Explorer
Map Maker Gratis –
Map Maker Gratis is a powerful introduction to the world of GIS. Unlike
other free viewers, Gratis is a fully functional map production program
with GIS functions such as thematic mapping and data interrogation. The
program can be used with both vector and raster data and produces high
quality accurately scaled print outs — the free GIS for Windows!
MapInfo ProViewer – Allows you to share your MapInfo data with non MapInfo users
MapViewer – Thematic mapping package from Golden Software
MassGIS Data Viewer – Expands the functionaly of ArcView
NIMAMUSE – Useful raster viewer used to import and view DTED®0
OpenMap – a JavaBeansTM based programmer’s toolkit
Osview – read Ordnance Survey data in .NTF, .DXF formats
SIGIS is an integrated vector/raster GIS and remote sensing application
running under Windows(95/98/NT/ME/2000). It features satellites image
processing, raster and vector spatial analysis, geographically linked
database management, mapping and 3D surface rendering & animation.
Spring – freeware general GIS and image processing package
TatukGIS Free Viewer –
The free TatukGIS Viewer provides an easy way to quickly evaluate the
TatukGIS technology and compatibility with various formats, as well as a
great companion product for the TatukGIS Internet Server. Reads the
following formats: Raster – TIFF/GEOTIFF, ECW, MrSID, BMP, SPOT, JPEG,
Terrain Tools – A quick and easy to use mapping program from SofTree
Tiny Viewer – TinyViewer is a small program to view images on the PalmPilot, and supports the ImageViewer format
TNTlite –
Learn GIS and image processing using a package that utilizes raster,
vector, shape, CAD, relational database and TIN formats. TNTlite is
FREE, and supports display and processing of the following formats:
shapefiles, Oracle Spatial, DXF, DWG, DGN, TAB, TIFF/GeoTIFF, JPEG2000,
MrSID, PNG, JPEG, ECW and additional raster formats
Map Maker Gratis –
Model and animate terrain from point, line, or surface data. Delineate
watersheds, line of sight, render forests and water. Use data including
USGS, Shuttle Radar Topography, Surfer, ArcGrid, and Idrisi32, and more
3DSM– AutoCAD R12, R13 Add-on for Terrain Modelling
DEM3d_100 – DEM3d Viewer version 1.0 from the USGS
dXm is for 32 bit windows and is easy to use. It triangulates 5,000
points in less than 1 minute on a PII processor running at 500MHz. It
can save contours to a DXF file to be imported into AutoCAD or other CAD
software. dXmPlus created contours and cross sections from a triangular
mesh. Contours can be exported to a DXF file, or printed. Data input is
via .XYZ, .TXT, .PRN and .CSV files. A fully working copy is available
for a 5 day free evaluation
MicroDEM 4.0 – 3D visuallization software from the US Army
Surface III – software for creating contour displays of 3-D surfaces
TerraExplorer – Explore photo-realistic 3D environments from satellite imagery and photos
Triangulator – Triangulator is a MapInfo plug-in for creating contour maps
XSect –
XSect is an Av3x extension that displays vertical profiles of point
data. This lets you look at your data “from the side” to show how values
vary with depth or elevation along transects. It’s not free but its